Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns
Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns
Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns to that chain coffee joint, you know, Starbucks, or something like that. I only know because I heard it on the news on the radio.
I would think that what with all the hurricanes, flooding, imminent nuclear wars looming and such that this would not be a news item, but apparently it is. Shoot, I have a hard time imagining it being a news item even if the news day was so slow that they were doing stories on "Brazilian Slug Growth Patterns" or something equally absurd.
"...and that fat boy in North Korea is planning on irradiating all of us, and today's temperatures will be in the high 115's, and, oh, did you hear? PSL is back! That's right, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back already..."
I like my coffee
No coffee no workee
Coffee me and without coffee me
Been There Done That
Good Ideas start With Coffee
Today there is Coffee For Sure
How To Make Coffee – 9 Things to Know
How To Make Coffee
9 things to know about coffee
This is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis of how to make coffee, but simply an over view of different coffee methods answering the question, how to make coffee, and some quick tips.
1. Fresh cool water.
The more water it is, rather than additives like chlorine and fluoride, the better. No, you're almost certainly not going to get hold of completely pure water however reverse osmosis water is a fine choice. Usually though city water is okay, but it will flavor your water. Think about it, the main ingredient is water!
2. Grind
Grind your own beans just prior to making that delicious brew, if you have a grinder that is. If you buy pre-ground coffee buy it is the smallest containers you can!