Gross Office Keurig I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit that share button like you’d hit the snooze on…
Waiting for the Coffee to Kick In I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit that share button like you’d…
Coffee First I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit that share button like you’d hit the snooze on your…
Coffee Dates - I always decline them because half way through I always have to take a massive dump. I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic…
Starbucks be like making coffee at home, calling out your name wrong, then burning a five dollar bill. I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The…
Call me coffee if you can't remember my name, I'll turn around. I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit…
Hello Darkness My Old Friend I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit that share button like you’d hit the…
Coffee Lunatic - you're a damned lunatic without your coffee and you and I both know it. I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot…
Drink the Coffee Do the Stuff I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press Now, hit that share button like you’d hit…