Humble Beans to the Coffee Kings: The Folgers Tale
The Folgers Tale: From Humble Beans to Coffee Kings
(and the Starbucks Onslaught)
Ah, coffee! The Folgers tale, and the nectar of the gods. The ambrosia of morning people, the elixir that turns night owls into productive members of society. But how did we arrive at today's caffeine utopia? Let us embark on the tale of Folgers, the brand that came before the now ubiquitous green mermaid began ruling our mornings.
In the Beginning, There was James...
James A. Folger, a young lad of 14, set out on a journey during the California Gold Rush. As we know, not all who went searching for gold found it. James didn't either. Instead, he struck brown gold – coffee beans! (Okay, maybe he found actual gold first, but stick with us for dramatic effect.)