What Is Gourmet Coffee – Where is It?

What Is Gourmet Coffee – Where is It?

What defines gourmet coffee? Where do you get it?

Many food items that are touted as gourmet, but few beverages are touted as such. In fact, gourmet coffee is is the only one that readily comes to mind while writing this article. Gourmet water? Soda? Milk? What about gourmet tea? Maybe one of you out there can enlighten me on this and posit in the comments that which informs.

Table of Contents

The word "Gourmet"

Top 10 K Cup Brewer Buys

Top 10 K Cup Brewer Buys

The Top 10 K Cup Brewer Deals and Buys

If you are here, you are looking for a deal on a K Cup coffee maker. Here we list the top 10 k cup coffee maker buys.
Let's face facts, buying a Keurig coffee maker can be a daunting proposition, unless you are made of money. I'm not, and very few people are. Keurig's can be very expensive! However, there are a good many other machines that also brew Keurig K Cups. In other words, you don't have to buy a Keurig machine.

In this article, we'll give a brief run down on Keurig and their machines, then list some alternative machines. Additionally we'll point out some places to find deals. Be aware that any prices we list are vbery likely to change! We are listing as we find them, right now.

Keurig is the K Cup Coffee Maker King 

When it comes to single cup coffee makers,

image of k cup wide awake seattle dark coffee

Keurig K Cups – Shopping Deals – Stores

Keurig K Cups - Deals - Stores - What Are They

It's been a while since I wrote an article on DelightfulCoffee.com, so I decided to write about something I use every week: Keurig k cups. What are they? Where you can get deals on them? Where to buy K Cups, in other words, and maybe save a buck or two.

I generally like to write my articles in the morning, usually for Friendslr.com, and on the weekends this typing madness is always over a hot mug of coffee from my Keurig machine. I have still been writing articles for our other websites, but just have not had the time to scribble and jot here. Those fans out there may remember that I was not much of a proponent of Keurigs. I mended my ways long ago. Saw the trees through the forest. Learned to love them. Saw the light. Whatever.  However, I'm still not a fan of the cost of K cup coffee pods, which is why I'm pointing you to some good deals a little later in the article. Hey now, this is an article, not a shopping page, lol.

Coffee trends Yemeni coffee image

Coffee Trends – A Lot about Coffee

Coffee Trends

Idle curiosity got the better of me. Today I searched out the term Coffee Trends on Google, and I'm not terribly surprised at what I found. If you look back in time, you'll find that where we were, in the ago, is an excellent road map as to where we are going. This concept applies to almost any historical data, and it applies to coffee too.

Coffee Started Out Where?

Coffee trends Yemeni coffee image
Yemeni coffee

There's a lot of conjecture about where coffee drinking started. Most folks think it was in what is now modern day Yemen. However, there's little disputing that the growing of the coffee plants started in Ethiopia. However, it may have originated in Kenya, or Sudan, but most scholars pinpoint the start to Ethiopia.

Wilkins Coffee Muppet’s

Wilkins Coffee Muppet's

Even the Muppet's are, or were, coffee fiends!

Apparently, before the Muppet's became the Muppet's on the famed Sesame Street, and long before they were featured in films and the like, Jim Henson had the puppets starring in commercials, as the Wilkins Coffee Muppet's.

In this video clip are a few of many clips from Wilkins Instant Coffee featuring an early Kermit the Frog, and a sort of prototype mash of the cookie monster and Oscar the grouch. At least that is my guess. I guess Mr. Henson needed to make a buck, like we all do.


Not Surprising

I suppose the long view of the early Muppet's being violent ought not be overly surprising, especially Kermit. I suspect all people whom are overly friendly or boisterous of being closeted serial killers. Because, really, the devil doesn't come to you all rage filled, he beguiles you. Ted Bundy didn't come after women howling, he played nice, won their confidence in many cases, THEN turned into a killer.
Kermit the coffee fiend though...

Forto Coffee Shot image of three forto containers

Forto Coffee Shots – What Are They?

Forto Coffee Shots - What Are They?

Walking around through various stores, if you have been paying attention, you may have seen Forto coffee shots on the shelves. Apparently I have not been paying close attention, as these little things just came to my attention last week, at my local Walgreen's. Reading up, I see that they are available at a lot of places, apparently, like Walmart, Ralph's, Amazon.com, even, oddly, advertised at Keurig.com. You can also find these coffee shots at their own website, Fortocoffee.com

Forto Coffee Shot image of three forto containers

What are they?

From what I can tell, it looks like Forto Coffee is positioning itself as an alternative to products like 5 hour energy. Or, maybe Monster, or, maybe Redbull.

Coffee Community

Coffee Community – DelightfulCoffee.com

Coffee Community - DelightfulCoffee.com You love coffee, we love coffee, everyone loves coffee, hence why we created Delightfulcoffee.com. However, DelightfulCoffee is more than just coffee articles and cute images, it…
Keurig Coffee Pods vs Pot Coffee

Keurig Coffee Pods vs Pot Coffee

Keurig Coffee Pods vs Pot Coffee

Okay, I admit it, I have purchased my first Keurig coffee machine. So here we'll look at Keurig coffee pods cost vs regular pot coffee cost, as well as some alternatives so far as coffee cost, per cup cost.

Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns

Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns

Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns

Pumpkin Spice Latte Returns to that chain coffee joint, you know, Starbucks, or something like that. I only know because I heard it on the news on the radio.

I would think that what with all the hurricanes, flooding, imminent nuclear wars looming and such that this would not be a news item, but apparently it is. Shoot, I have a hard time imagining it being a news item even if the news day was so slow that they were doing stories on "Brazilian Slug Growth Patterns" or something equally absurd.

"...and that fat boy in North Korea is planning on irradiating all of us, and today's temperatures will be in the high 115's, and, oh, did you hear? PSL is back! That's right, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back already..."

water image how to make coffee

How To Make Coffee – 9 Things to Know

How To Make Coffee

9 things to know about coffee

This is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis of how to make coffee, but simply an over view of different coffee methods answering the question, how to make coffee, and some quick tips.

1. Fresh cool water.

water image how to make coffee

The more water it is, rather than additives like chlorine and fluoride, the better. No, you're almost certainly not going to get hold of completely pure water however reverse osmosis water is a fine choice. Usually though city water is okay, but it will flavor your water. Think about it, the main ingredient is water!

2. Grind

how to make coffee grind image

Grind your own beans just prior to making that delicious brew, if you have a grinder that is. If you buy pre-ground coffee buy it is the smallest containers you can!