Pumpkin Spice Latte Problem Solver
Coffee Smells Like Victory
Quiet Coffee – Shhh until empty
Tuesday Morning Coffee
Coffee is Better than Pot of Gold
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Coffee
Wilkins Coffee Muppet’s
Wilkins Coffee Muppet's
Even the Muppet's are, or were, coffee fiends!
Apparently, before the Muppet's became the Muppet's on the famed Sesame Street, and long before they were featured in films and the like, Jim Henson had the puppets starring in commercials, as the Wilkins Coffee Muppet's.
In this video clip are a few of many clips from Wilkins Instant Coffee featuring an early Kermit the Frog, and a sort of prototype mash of the cookie monster and Oscar the grouch. At least that is my guess. I guess Mr. Henson needed to make a buck, like we all do.
Not Surprising
I suppose the long view of the early Muppet's being violent ought not be overly surprising, especially Kermit. I suspect all people whom are overly friendly or boisterous of being closeted serial killers. Because, really, the devil doesn't come to you all rage filled, he beguiles you. Ted Bundy didn't come after women howling, he played nice, won their confidence in many cases, THEN turned into a killer.
Kermit the coffee fiend though...