Coffee Community –
You love coffee, we love coffee, everyone loves coffee, hence why we created However, DelightfulCoffee is more than just coffee articles and cute images, it is a coffee community too! Or, a coffee social network, if you like. In other words, it is a place where you can interact with other coffee lovers from all over the world in a coffee-centric environment.
I use this, get yours now! Amazon Associate Link: Stanley Classic The Stay-Hot French Press
What does this social network cost?
Nothing. It’s free to use! Post, like, make friends, share your coffee making techniques, whatever! Got a killer concoction, share it! Fave shop you frequent? Share it! It’s a coffee community. Are you a small roaster? Advertise your product. It will appear in your feed, and the feeds of friends too. Want wide exposure, buy an ad.
This Coffee Community has been around for years, we just haven’t done much with our web presence, something we began addressing in 2017 or so. We have been working on this, as well as our social network in addition to some of our other websites, in addition to working in the real world full time. In one way or another, we have been ceeaign web sites since about 1997, all the while slurping coffee.
A Cuppa = Life
Coffee = Life. Maybe that is an overstatement, yet, it does improve life, mornings in particular. Drive by any Starbucks any time of day and see if I am right. Tardbucks, my name for them, which I’ll discuss later, is busy nearly always. Sure, their perky (ha!) and personable staff is a lot of the reason, yet, coffee is primarily the reason folks will sit inside, or in a drive through for 15 minutes awaiting their fix. The city south of me is so economically challenged that when Bar Rescue came to town to fix a local bar, their main concern was the very little disposable income the residents had. This is a city where all there really is to do is drink, drugs, sex, crime, and go elsewhere for work. In that order.
However, drive by any Starbucks in town and invariably there will be a line of cars in the drive-through. People here, like everywhere, take their coffee seriously. My town is slightly better off, but that changes nothing, or Starbucks are always busy, not to mention weirdly “cliquey”. I’ll explain that, too.
Back to cost and more
Reading the above, you may think I don’t like Starbucks. As a matter of fact, I have a great deal of respect for what they have done. They took a single beverage, a concept, and basically made McDonald’s of it. Up to the point that they came into existence, coffee was the purview, the domain, of the home brewer and the coffee shop. Denny’s has good coffee, but that isn’t their primary business. Dunkin donuts isn’t all about coffee, but it is part of their product line. 7-11 isn’t all about coffee, but it is part of their draw, as nasty as their brew usually is, at least to me.
Further, before Starbucks existed, initially as a coffee, tea, and spice shop, which occasionally brewed samples of their roasts, my own family had Ella and Nora’s Coffee, Tea and Spice in the Pikes Place market. So in a weird way, Starbucks is family that’s not quite family.
No, my issue with Starbucks is the cost, plain and simple. I just cannot bring myself to pay $5 for a 12¢ product. That, and to stop in (or drive through) I usually have a 15 minute wait. Now, I do value my time. In fact I place a value of $50 an hour on my time. I don’t make that, but if someone wants me to do something for them for an hour, that’s $50. So that cup of s-bucks is really $17.50, in my mind. So, rarely do I partake.
Back to the Coffee Community
Drop on by, join, and convince me that Sbucks is worth the cost. You know, there is one other thing that bugs me about that chain I just remembered, The clique like following. Here, in poor town, one day I was waiting for my order and these folks were waiting for theirs, standing directly in front of the pick up counter. with each name the barista called out, these putz’s would reach over, read the label, then push the order to the side. If they did that to mine there would have been a scene. Luckily theirs arrived first.
My point, you may be wondering, is what? Well, if you’re a snot of a coffee drinker, mind yourself in the Delightful Coffee Community, because the eject button is always near by, lol. Just be cool and play nice, because manners matter.
However, if you’re you coffee nut, drink it day in and out, welcome!
I had one of my bosses ask me the other day how much coffee I drink daily. No hesitation, as I know exactly how much: one pot. that’s 1st cup sweetened with vanilla cappuccino mix, 2nd cup less so, and the rest in a thermos for the day straight black. Why? ‘Cause I’m not stopping at some joint to buy more.
I Love coffee
Growing up I was a tea drinker. Still love it to this day. Then what I was about 15 I was out on a school function with some other kids, and I discovered that if you put as lot of cream and sugar in piping hot coffee, if was not only delicious, it was stimulating! As an adult I discovered it again on my way to work one day. I love it so much, I created a community just for coffee. Come join us today at
Now, hit that share button like you’d hit the snooze on your alarm—quickly and without a second thought!
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